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NeverBounce API integration is now available

Ensure the highest inbox deliverability, NeverBounce is probably the most used email verification app in the world. Lead Scrape now seamlessly integrates with NeverBounce.

NeverBounce has a 98% verification accuracy

Make sure all emails reach the inbox, using this integration helps cleaning up all emails prior to sending. Once the scraping is finished Lead Scrape will ask you if you want to test all emails with the NeverBounce API and automatically remove from the list any invalid ones.

If you already have an account, simply log-in, grab your API key and paste it inside Lead Scrape, if not you can register for an account with them from here

Below are some of the main features
  • - Hybrid Verification
  • - Domain Health Check
  • - Mail Server Validation
  • - High-Risk Detection
  • - Identify Role Accounts
  • - Catch-All Domain Detection
  • ...and much more...

How to use NeverBounce API with Lead Scrape

To use this new feature you need an account with Never Bounce, if you don't have one already Click Here to register with them.

Once you have your account set up, sign in, and copy your API key. Start Lead Scrape, go into the options screen and click on the External API Keys button.

Now paste your API key and click on the Balance button, you should see your current balance. That's all! From now on, every time you run a scrape, at the end, you will be asked if you want to verify the emails via the NeverBounce API or go directly to the results. If you verify the emails via this API, any invalid email will be removed from the final results.

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